Cognition of Geopolitical Crisis in The Persian Gulf Area

Document Type : Original Article


1 strategic defensive science, defense faculty, national defense university,TEHRAN,IRAN

2 Geopolitical Studies of Imam Hossein University

3 Assistant Professor of National Security Studies, Higher National Defense University

4 PhD student in Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


The Persian Gulf region due to its strategic importance of geopolitical, various crises that can cause disturbance in the normal human habitat and geographic space and processes. The purpose of this research is the recognition of the geopolitical crises in the Persian Gulf and the roots and traites of the crisis in this region with ‎review. With the approach of mixed ground case research method for this purpose, the method was used to collect data library and field methods. For analysis of data and determine the factors influencing geopolitical crises of the Persian Gulf region in the form of large geopolitical dimensions in natural, human, economic, political and military, based on the data collected from the statistical community in the form of collective questionnaire and uses descriptive statistical methods and chi-square testing and the description and analysis of each of the geopolitical factors. The results of the research, the main features of the geopolitical Persian Gulf in five characteristics that identify their most important energy and oil and gas resources of this region and The roots of the crisis mainly in twenty different factors that identify their most important presence far of region interventionary powers and regional policy explanation and Eventually the Persian Gulf geopolitical crises in seven Main Title, those importants are including the presence of interventionary and aggressive foreign forces, The efforts of the West and Saudi Arabia to disturb the balance of power, ethnic and religious conflicts… in the persian Gulf of identifying and explaining.


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-           شانگهای  همکاری­­ سازمان
- https://www
ژئوپلیتیک خلیج فارس تهدیدها و فرصت‌های فراروی جمهوری اسلامی ایران