Presenting the strategic model of the health system administration through the development of the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the basis of the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Constitution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated from the Ph.D. in Strategic Management of Nonprofit Defense at the National Defense University

2 Associate professor, surgeon and gynecologist, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

3 Master's degree in Management, Imam Hussein University

4 Assistant Professor, Neurologist and Neurologist, National Institutes of Defense

5 Professor, PhD Epidemiology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences


Critical and essential role in sustainable
development and social security and health systems play a vital role in the
development of this part of the country, Has led those involved in macro
policy-makers apply special attention to the health sector. The aim of this
study was to achieve a model that could systematic and strategic management of
the health system through the development experiences of the Islamic Republic
of Iran The discourse of velayat-e faqih and the Constitution of the Islamic
Republic of Iran to provide. The study is qualitative, followed up by a written
grounded into question the strategic model in the field of "health system
governance" based on the discourse of velayat-e faqih and the constitution
of the Islamic Republic? Answer. In this regard, a sample of 30 experts and
senior experts in the health system targeted selection of in-depth interviews
and questionnaires were selected by snowball and Data based on grounded theory
after the code, concepts and categories in terms of causal factors,
ventilators, areas, interfaces, strategic implications and consequences,
categorized By taking into account several considerations to achieve the
reliability and validity, with the Adequacy theoretical, paradigmatic model,
administration of the health system was implemented. Recognized findings from
the study indicate that administration of the health system, the moderation in
the pursuit of health services by public authorities should be considered.


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