Identification of Indicators Effecting on Hydropolytic Relationships of Iran and Turkmenistan with Emphasis on Atrak River


1 Associate Professor of Political Geography, Farabi University of Science and Technology

2 PhD student in Political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

3 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran


One of the problems in analyzing hydro-political relations in the river system is that the same factors, such as water scarcity and economic development, can create a wide range of conflicts or partnerships. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the variables and indices of effective hydro-political relations between Iran and Turkmenistan. The research method is descriptive-analytic. In this study, in the first place, using the views of experts and experts in political geography and Delphi technique, 15 factors were identified as essential indicators affecting the relations between Iran and Turkmenistan in the future. In the second step, Dimetal method was used to analyze and rank the causes, causality and disability. The results of the research show that factors: drinking water with a score of 1.53, employment with a score of 1.45, water for Agriculture with a score of 1.17, geothermal atrak of Atrak (0.55), conflict of strategic interests of both countries (0.47), geopolitical position of Iran with score (0.34), safety of water resources with a score of 0.15 ) And Turkmenistan's geographic location with a score of (0.04) is in the category of causal indicators and is definitely one of the factors affecting the hydro-political relations between Iran and Turkmenistan. The role of global powers in hydro-political relations with the nation (-0.01), the weakness of water use technology with a score of (-0.08), the influence of countries in providing water-related rules (-45%), judicial security with a score of -0.46, The impact of Iran's regional water crisis on national security with a score of (-0.71), security and energy transfer with a score of 1.13 and weakness of Iran's hydro-politic policies with a score of 1.15 in the category of disabled indicators Which are definitely one of the most challenging challenges.


فهرست منابع
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