Identify and determine effective factors establishing a military command and control information and communication system network-based with knowledge management approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Ph.D. student of Strategic Management, National Defense University


Based on the results of the study, a system of command and control, after scoring planning, coordination, development, participation and cooperation in achieving unity of effort through achieve information dominance, decision and decision-making, guidance, monitoring and control commander (military and civilian) at all levels (strategic, operational and tactical) is in all circumstances (peace, crisis and war).This study is done to Identify and determine effective factors establishing a military command and control information and communication system network-based with knowledge management approach. Type of this study is based on the development of applied research and methodology. The sample population is 76. To analyze this research Software SPSS, quantitative data, qualitative content analysis were used.
In this study, using the three-dimensional ramification model (structural, behavioral and environmental dimensions) theoretical framework of system of command and control AJA following formulation and through questionnaires by the sample population was confirmed as the basic requirements of system of command and control strategic model for the AJA control Command system.(A). Structural factors include: 1. doctrines, strategies, policies 2. OrganizationalStructure 3-information technology and communication resources 5. knowledge management system 6. human resource management7.Architectural framework  (B) Operating factors (behavioral) include: 1.cognitiveissues2-organizationculture
   3-personnel learning 4-knowledge management processes 5- leadership style the 6-command and control processes7- commander qualification 8- commander characteristic (C) Environmental factors include: 1- Science and technology 2-economic 3-political 4- military 5- regulations Rules
