Analyzing the available driving capacities in order to promote the geopolitical power of the Republic of Iran in the West Asian region(strengths and opportunities)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Full Professor of Imam Hossein (AS) University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of the Holy Defense Science and Education Research Institute

4 Faculty of National Defense - Higher National Defense University - Tehran – Iran


In order for Iran to have a greater impact on the concepts, views, regional systems, processes, decisions, collective actions of other countries and the way regional and global power is formed, it must have a superior geopolitical weight among other countries in the region. . The main goal of this research is to "examine the existing capacities in order to promote the geopolitical power of the Republic of Iran in the West Asian region (strengths and opportunities)". In this research, the research method is descriptive-analytical with a mixed approach and the type of research is applied-developmental. The statistical population is 50 people and the sample size corresponds to the statistical population and all the numbers have been determined. In addition to sampling library studies and conducting expert interviews, non-parametric descriptive and inferential statistical methods have also been used. From the results of the research, it appears that the existing capacities in the form of 7 major geopolitical components (political-military-science and technology-environmental-social and cultural-geographical-economic) were counted with 40 indicators; 7 of the indicators were removed due to less importance, 22 indicators for strength and 12 indicators for opportunity were obtained in order to promote the geopolitical power of Iran in the West Asian region.


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