A secure architecture framework for defensive network

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Technology and Information of Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Associate Professor of Technology and Information of Malek Ashtar University of Technology


Information and communication technology has a direct
impact on all levels of any organization. Network-centric defense in a safe
environment is one of the recent technology which makes up the majority of
defense organizations to accept these networks or to deploy their systems in
these environments. Defense is one of the nation's critical infrastructure and
by deploying it in network-centric environment, the terms such as efficiency,
innovation and agility should be increased.
Despite all the benefits, the issue of security as
the most important challenge in this environment is necessary. This study
evaluated a secure central network architecture requirement for defense

The population used in this
study consist of professors and students of PhD in the field of cyberspace
security, cyber strategic management and technology experts were in the arm
The results show that for
upgrade defense technology in organizations, a model of security architecture
for accommodate defense and exploited networks should be developed.
Also security in the
architecture is a critical requirement.
In the architecture provided, the different
components of network security defense is examined


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