Investigating the role of geopolitics as one of the dimensions of the pattern Islamic Iran Progress in the field of defense-security


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Ph.D. student of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

3 Graduated Ph.D., Strategic Military Management, National Defense University


The excellent position of the Islamic Republic of Iran In terms of the strategic, communicational and enjoyment of long beaches and the dominance of the Strategic Strait of Hormuz and other geopolitical features, It has established it in the ranks of powerful countries in various fields, especially in the field of defense-security.
One of the dimensions of the Islamic-Iranian Pattern of progress in the field of defense-security is geopolitics. This research was done in order to investigate the role of geopolitics in the Islamic-Iranian Pattern of progress in the field of defense-security.
 The main goal of this research is to specification the role of geopolitics in the Islamic-Iranian Pattern of progress in the field of defense-security.
Type of research is Practical- development and method of research with approach mixed(quantitative- qualitative) Which was tried with a theoretical study andan interview with the experts field defense –security, The matic literature of research to be studied.
The statistical population of the research is determined of experts and Activists in the field of defense and security (243 people),that with using the Cochran formula, the size of the sample population designated 69 people.
After analyzing the data, it was determined that the geopolitical dimension was developed with 2 components of physical factors and non-physical factors with the indicators of strategic position, communication status, external depth (geopolitical expansion) and convergence (ethnic and religious) in the Islamic-Iranian Pattern.


فهرست منابع
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- نهج‌البلاغه، ترجمه مرحوم علامه جعفری (1376)، تهران، فرهنگ اسلامی
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ب- سایت:
- مجموعه بیانات حضرت امام خامنه­ای( )   قابل‌دسترسی در