Provide a model of future threats to air defense systems Based on functions and consequences

Document Type : Original Article


1 Non-Profit Defense Strategic Management Student, National Defense University (responsible author)

2 Lecturer at Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense University (Peace be upon her)


The growing trend of technology and the threat areas expansion on the one hand and defense and security theories on the other emphasize the importance that due to the existence of threats and the occurrence of new generation wars, it is always necessary to enhance the preparedness of defense with threat monitoring.
Impulsive air strikes using a variety of modern equipment and weapons are the first wave of attacks in wars, in which air defense systems are considered the first line of conflict and the first priority in defense issues. Therefore, threat identification required to acquire defense readiness and addressing the threats in each area, can strengthen the ability to counter.
The main purpose of this study is to present a model of aerospace threats with a futuristic approach using mixed analysis. In order to enumerate the dimensions and components of the initial proposed model, the statistical population including 10 experts in the field of air defense AJA was used. In order to proposed model survey, the statistical population including qualified employees of NPAJA, the network of aerospace defense researchers in AJA study centers (220 people) was used by random sampling method.
Data collection tools were interview, Delphi technique and questionnaire and for data analysis, SPSS statistical analysis software and AMOS structural equation model were used. Findings show that threats have a significant effect on the type of action and the type of tactical action on performance. And the results show that the model has a good fit and the highest impact factor related to active defense measures on performance is 83.9% and the total of active and passive defense measures show 89.1% of changes in performance.


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