The formulation of economic strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran inCentral Asia With an emphasis on geopolitical concerns

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Strategic Military Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Higher National Defense University


Most scholars strategic and political science and international relations, the role of the external environment and addressing The role of the environment as well as prioritize the interests of competitors and ultimately selecting the optimal strategy to emphasize. Central Asia in the current world geography at the joint point of two continents, Asia and Europe and has important Geo-positioning The purpose of this research is to formulate economic strategies with an emphasis on Iran in Central Asia's geopolitical interests. Our research is descriptive-analytic case study. In this study, components affecting the economic interests of Iran in Central Asia and the factors associated with these components counting and post-approval study population, as an economic factors affecting the development of strategies to Iran in Central Asia are considered. The samples included 25 individuals from academic experts in the field of geopolitics and the economy.The data were collected through library and field.The tools used by research papers and questionnaires have been opened and closed. Research data using descriptive statistical methods and approaches (SWOT) were analyzed.
The results of the. Research shows 20 long-term objective and 6 national strategies in Central Asia that the most important strengthening of embassies and institutions and their supervisors in the countries of Central Asia.


فهرست منابع
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