Knowledge Management Elements in the IRI’s Ministry of Defense

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated Doctor of Strategic Management at the National Defense University

2 Master of Strategic Management at Malek Ashtar University of Technology


The defensive power of a society cant be Summarized in
its military power. The
Given the regional-global equations, the Islamic
Republic of Iran (IRI) is on the verge of enter into knowledge-based structure
in her development route, the necessity which has many times explicitly and
implicitly been stressed in the speeches of the supreme leader (ph), the
20-year Vision and other development plans. In the same vein, it is required that
the national scientific and socio-cultural frameworks equipped with
research-poeration platforms be taken into consideration. Accordingly, the
IRI's Minisrty of Defense (IRIMOD) as a knowledge-based organization is in need
to diverse methods and models for knowledge management in varied strategic
operational levels and in its subsets such as headquarter, organizations and
defense industries. Meanwhile, this paper, an apllied-developmental research,
mainly aims at developing a knowledge management model for the IRIMOD upon
case-based and mixed method (quality & quantity) with Thematic and Content
Analysis. Consequently, the outcome of the study suggests that the model for
knowledge management in the IRIMOD comprises five principal elements as:1)
strategic knowledge management infrastructure; 2) strategic knowledge
management processes; 3) strategic domians of knowledge; 4) creation of value
for beneficiaries; 5) creation of deterrence power and defensive competency


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