Investigating the Effectiveness of the Fund for Supporting Research, Innovation and Development of Defense Technologies on the Agility of Defense Research Organizations

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Strategic Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 PhD in Strategic Military Management, Higher National Defense University


Agility consists of a set of capabilities and competencies that will lead to the survival and development of the organization in the business environment. Agility has an undeniable impact on the success of organizations in the current era. In such a situation, the need to pay particular attention to the agility of the MoD's research organizations, which is responsible for the guidance, guidance, training, research and development of the country's defense industry, is becoming more and more important. In this research, dimensions such as financial, non-financial, and institutional support have been considered which can have a significant impact on the agility of these organizations. Therefore, it is acknowledged that the improvement and improvement of the functioning of this institution has led to a smoother appreciation of the Defense Department's research organizations.
Therefore, the present study was carried out to investigate the effect of the fund's support for research, innovation and development of defense technologies on the agility of the research organizations of the Ministry of Defense and the support of the armed forces. Research method is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of the study consisted of managers and experts of the research organizations of the Ministry of Defense. In the first stages of the research, the identification of dimensions and components of agility in research organizations was discussed. In order to answer the research questions and to test the research hypotheses, a questionnaire was used to collect the required data. In order to identify the underlying structure and factors, as well as test the model of measuring the variables of research and adaptation between theoretical constructs and empirical constructs, Factor analysis has been used. Data analysis was performed using inferential statistics methods using SPSS-22 and AMOS software. The findings of the research indicate the significant effect of the Fund's support for research, innovation and development of defense technologies on the agility of the research organizations of the Ministry of Defense


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