Typology of land management in the northern provinces of the country

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Strategic Management, Supreme National Defende University

2 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences Higher National Defense University


In land management, regulating the human relationship and human activities in space is a holistic, comprehensive and long-term approach to planning. By carrying out provincial planning, obstacles, problems and potential capabilities in various socio-economic and spatial fields of the country will be revealed. This study seeks to identify geographical, environmental and spatial factors affecting economic, political, military, cultural and environmental activities affecting the territorial planning of the northern provinces. The main purpose of this study is to explain the typology of land management in the northern provinces. This research is of applied and developmental type and has been done in a historical and descriptive method. The statistical population is 86 people and data collection has been done in two ways, field method and library method. Data were entered into SPSS software and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The questions of the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques and 7 components with 103 factors affecting the territorial planning of the northern provinces were obtained. Defense-security with 13 factors, geography with 19 factors, population with 15 factors, environmental with 16 factors, political with 15 factors, economic with 15 factors and cultural with 18 factors.


  • فهرست منابع:

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