Comprehensive defense strategies in the field of science and technology

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Master of Civil Engineering and lecturer at Malek Ashtar University

3 Ph.D. Student in Strategic Management of Nonprofit Defense at National Defense University


Specific geographical location of the Islamic Republic o f Iran in the Middle East resources above ground and underground rich in this area on the one hand And the nature of oppression and arrogance combat Islamic Republic of Iran, On the other hand has led to the arrogance and domineering powers in the history of this land covetous look And the Islamic Republic of Iran has always various ways, threatened and even attacked during the ages. The threat practices in the modern era has been transformed into a The change resulting from a change in the status of technology And the emergence of new technologies and a high level Operating technology as a tool that countries have taken advantage of the recent war. Accordingly, in this paper, the role of new technologies and strategies to explain in a comprehensive defense comprehensive defense based on modern technology is presented. In the present study, due to limited access to experts who have mastered new technologies in the field of defense, The population and sample consisted of 25 employees who did not place in the top 17 rated security defense jobs exist.
 Methods mixed (and underlying analytical method) has been applied. After analyzing indoor and outdoor environments, the number of 14 strengths, 11 weaknesses, 12 opportunities and 17 threats is obtained And on the basis of the status quo, allocation of resources to use in order to meet the threats and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses conducted And based on SWOT, strategies and recommendations for implementing the strategies presented.


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