A study of Military Medicine Elements (Relief Chain, Transfer Chain, Treatment Chain) with Respect to the Requirements of Future Combat Environment.

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Dafos Aja Defense Management Master


The mission of combat medicine is to provide health and medical support for the military personnel in case of dangers, injuries and diseases caused by their tasks. The combat medicine sevices contribute to preserving the forces’ health and increasing their combat power. The main aim of this research is to identify the characteristics of military medicine with respect to the the requirements of future combat environment. It seeks to answer the question: “What will combat power be like to respond to the requirements of future combat environment?”. Regarding its subject, it is an applied research conducted in a descriptive method with a mixed (quantitative and qualitative) approach. The data collection was done with a field and library method using the existing documents, interviews with experts and questionnairs. The statistical population of the research, obtained from applying a classification coefficient, contains 600 people from which the sample population was summed up to 120 using the Cochran formula. The findings, with a 5% rate of error, indicate that there is a direct and significant relation between military medicine and the requierments of future combat. The results of the research showed that treatment acts require that we equip the medical units with modern systems portable by the soldiers and suitable for the treatment of injuries resulted from laser, phosphorus and depleted uranium weapons as well as emphasis on tele-medicine and maximum medical actions in the battle field. It is essential to offer all types health services including prevention, relief, treatment and rehabilitation in compliance with concealment, camouflage and cover and as close to the battle scene as possible


فهرست منابع
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- سایت‌ها:
-      امام خامنه‌ای (مد ظله العالی)، مجموعه بیانات (سخنرانی در دیدار فعالان عرصه هنر دفاع مقدس - 24/6/88)، قابل دسترس در: www.khamenei.ir
-             امام خامنه‌ای (مد ظله العالی)، مجموعه بیانات (سخنرانی در دیدار اعضای مجمع مالی بسیج مستضعفین 6/9/93) قابل دسترس در: www.khamenei.ir