Political Strategies of Total defense in Possible future war

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of defense policy at Higher National Defense University

2 Ph.D. in International Relations


The Strategy of Total Defense is a term that has been used by Imam Khomeini (p.b.u) – after the end of imposed war on Iran in 1980 till 1988 - in his mandate to the commanders of Sepah (Islamic revolution`s Guard Corps) in order to formulate this strategy to confront the challenges against Islamic revolution in the coming years. Total defense includes all aspects of national power and of them is political aspect. Understanding the effective figures in political aspect, secures the defense of Islamic revolution in political area and makes it possible. The purpose of the article is formulating the political strategies of total defense in possible future war.
This research is Applied - Developmental research and it`s methods are Descriptive and Correlational. Informations are collected by Field and library methods and the Statistical population is 20 person.
After analyzing the domestic and international environment we found out that there are 13 strength points, 12 weak points,10 opportunities and 14 threats. According to current situation, mobilizing the sources in order to use strength points and opportunities and removing the threats and weak points. So there are 7 strategies on the basis of SWOT.
The results of research show that the perspective of the Islamic republic of Iran in any Possible future war is favorable and country`s position in politics is offensive position


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