Investigating the factors within the organizational structure of NAJA and its impact on police authority

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 PhD student, Strategic Military Management, Higher National Defense University


Military and law enforcement agencies need authority to govern society. A powerful military organization, without the use of physical tools of power, can make people eager to obey social laws and regulations. The main purpose of this study is to find the extent to which the law enforcement authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran is affected by internal factors. The present research, which is applied based on the purpose, has been conducted with a mixed approach and using a descriptive-analytical method, and related data have been collected in a survey using a questionnaire. The statistical population for quantitative analysis of data was randomly selected from 60 NAJA employees with 18 independent positions and above, of which 58 questionnaires were collected. Also, to determine the content validity of the questionnaire, the opinions of law enforcement experts and specialists with a job position of 19 and above and the provincial police commanders were used, and to determine the reliability, Cronbach's alpha was used. According to the research results, the basic components within the organization affecting the authority of the NAJA are: the component of organizational factors, the component of individual factors and the component of managerial factors. Also, among the indicators in these components, the indicators of quality and appropriateness of education, the degree of cohesion and integration in the organization and the existence of strategy and strategic perspective in the organization were recognized as the most important factors affecting the authority of NAJA. The internal indicators of this study, in order of priority for the selection of respondents, can be used as a suitable criterion for increasing the authority of the police force


فهرست منابع
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- سایت‌ها
-         امام خامنه‌ای (مدظله‌العالی)، مجموعه بیانات، قابل دسترسی در:
-         احمدی مقدم، اسماعیل، (15/07/1391)، مفهوم اقتدار پلیس، قابل دسترسی در: