companents for construction adminstration armed forces retirement based on dialogue velayat-e faqih (goals , doctorin and policies)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctor of Military Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Science Management at Imam Ali Officers University (AS)


In the absence of the companents for construction adminstration armed forces retirement  based on dialogue velayat-e faqih (goals , doctorin and policies) any move to improve the system virtually no effectivness and efficiency would be desirvable. In this research to achieve to the companents for construction adminstration armed forces retirement three aspects of its managment has been studied. These dimensions include goals , doctorin and policies , while being companents for construction respectively are defining the ideals , the fundamental principles of motion and dos and dont's of movement in the course of development of affairs of armed forces retirements. To identify the constituent components of this three dimentions of research used of content  analysis research metodology and analysis of statements and writings of velayat-e faqih. The entire and process and findings has been approved by the group of exprts monitor the process of companents of the trhee dimentions. After reviewing the trhee components we came to the conclusion that :
The goals of  adminstration armed forces retirement  is refer to justice and security , open prosperity in the country and providing appropriate services to retirees and etc. The doctorines of armed forces pension adminstration is refer to increase self-confidence and creates hope and spirit , islamic rule in all matters. so In the policy dimentions we can mention to pensioners legal and juridical shelters , tendency at pensioners unity ande camaraderie category. 


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