effective features of unbalance threat to operat of army aviation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences Dafos Ajay

2 Doctor of Military Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University


The article purpose provide to study effective features of unbalance threat to operat of army aviation. first in this article by studing books and documents 36 features have been counted and through inter views  and different stages of analysis , 10 effective features of the army aviation’s performance have been determined .
Then by distributing the provided questiounair among the statistical sempels the importance of each fetur is determined .
The statistical semples of the study including the army aviafion’s experts in the supreme commander’s staff , the army , and the commander and the authorities and the teacher’s of the enginneering and flight school of imam ali military univercity , the commander and authorities in the opration and education of army aviation , the commander’s and the authorities in opration and education of the army aviatiou’s base’s , and the commander and authorities and teacher’s of flight school in the training center ; they are 66 .
The common  chractristise these people are (employed more than 15 years – at least passed command and general staff college – degree graded colonel and above – minimum  5 years familiar with the subject of opration and flight training army aviation ) .
Type of the discussion is pratical and method used with background case by component theory .
Finally in depend of finding of tables to determined by effective of each practical charctristise


فهرست منابع
الف- منابع فارسی
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ب- منابع لاتین
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