Investigating and Analyzing the Beginning of Iraq's Imposed War on the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Perspective of Military Security Surprise

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Political Geography, Higher National Defense University

3 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

4 PhD Student in Cyber Security, Higher National Defense University


Surprise, because of its importance, is one of the most important principles of the war scene. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the fundamental Islamic beliefs and thinking of the world and the state of this phenomenon gave rise to a serious danger of colonial and despotic regimes so far as to counter this popular political movement, all subversive and It was subversive. One of these was the brutal attack on Iraq and the imposition of a full-scale war against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Given the reality of the war and its damage, this article seeks to answer wisely the key question: "Did Iran get a surprise at the start of the Iraqi invasion?" If Iran's surprise at the start of the imposed war is confirmed, the following questions arise: 1- What were the causes and factors of Iran's surprise at the start of the war? 2. What are the strategies for preventing military-security surprise in terms of structure, behavior and context in the future?
This research is one of the developmental applied researches and the combination of quantitative and qualitative data including interview and open-ended questionnaire and its research method is mixed (descriptive-analytical). The scope of this research has been from the point of view of the Islamic Revolution in the area of influence of the Islamic Revolution since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution up to now, and from the point of view of providing them with a preventive strategy of military surprise. In order to answer the research questions, while studying the upstream documents, 9 components and 60 items were collected in the field of surprise. It was obtained through three questionnaires and holding opinions of experts. Then, the causes and factors of surprise are investigated by AHP method. Finally, structural, behavioral and contextual solutions based on triplicate model are presented to eliminate the weaknesses and causes of surprise


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