Explain the role of Imam Khamenei in leading the leadership of the Resistance Front

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Amin University

2 Doctoral student of Strategic Defense Sciences of the Higher National Defense University


The Islamic Republic of Iran as the main pillar of the resistance over the years has always been at the forefront of countering US domination and countering the aggression and expansionism of the Zionist regime and helping and oppressing the oppressed nations of the region. Assistance to members of the resistance axis has increased. Undoubtedly, a major part of the developments in the region has been influenced by the revolution and the policies of the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the meantime, the character of the Supreme Leader (Modzaleh Al-Aali) as the helmsman of the revolution and the leader and theorist and decision-maker of the system, is an irreplaceable role. At the same time, the issue of Islamic resistance as one of the characteristics and pillars of the Islamic Revolution in His Holiness's view is a doctrinal and Qur'anic view, meaning that resistance to the path of truth guarantees the fulfillment of divine promises and the victory of the Right Front over false armies. Therefore, considering the position of Velayat-e-Faqih in the Islamic Revolution and His Holiness's dominance over the issues of resistance, his role in strengthening and growing the defense-military strength of the Resistance Front is significant. The main purpose of this article is to explain the role of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in leading the leadership of the Resistance Front, based on which measures to strengthen the defense and military strength of the Resistance Front will be led by governments, groups and movements. This research is of a applied type.This research is with a qualitative approach and since this article seeks to explain the role of the Supreme Leader (memory of God) in leading the leadership of the Resistance Front; Therefore, descriptive-explanatory (exploratory) method was used with foundation data analysis tool. Therefore, according to the true results, the strategies and consequences of the guidance and leadership of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces on the resistance front are as follows: 1- Strategies: endurance and perseverance, readiness and insight, creating a deterrent authority; 2. Consequences: The growth and development of the culture of resistance in the region, the development of self-reliance and the denial of imported security in the region


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- امام خامنه‌ای(مدظله‌العالی)، مجموعه بیانات، قابل‌دسترسی در: www.Khamenei.ir.
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