Pathology technology roadmapping models , identify challenges, and recommendations for improve it

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student - Future Research- Imam Khomeini International University

2 Professor - Human Resources Management - University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor - Technology Management- Scientific Research Center of Ministry of Science


Technology roadmapping is a useful and widely used method in technology planning field , that its considerable growth in the past two decades, shows  the willingness of  different firms and organizations for using it. But despite the benefits, capabilities and ongoing development, pathology and critical studies , suggests that this method has some shortcomings and challenges in implementation and emergence and development of modifications and multiple models, arises from weak points of this method.
 In this paper, the main objective is to improve the effectiveness and conceptual bases of technology roadmapping. So in the first step, reviewing recent resources in related literature, weaknesses, areas for improvement , the various models and functions from roadmapping, are introduced  and its results is used in designing of  Twenty- question questionnaire. In the next step , analyzing the results of surveys of experts and scholars ,and using comparing with average values, the main challenges , were classified , ranked and prioritized and according to this, are provided some recommendations for improvement of technology roadmapping by using conceptual and logical principles.


  • فهرست منابع

     الف- منابع فارسی

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