Investigating internal organizational factors of Naja and its effect on popularity and social acceptability

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of the National Defense University and Higher Research Institute

2 Doctoral student of military strategic management, Higher National Defense University


In the Islamic worldview, God's way passes through mankind; That is, without honoring people and getting their satisfaction, satisfaction and worship of God is not possible. For the police force employees, honoring the lord is not because of instructions and directives, but a human, legal and religious duty, not an additional duty in addition to other duties, but should be at the heart of things.
The main goal of this research is to investigate the influence of internal factors of the Islamic Republic of Iran's police force on the popularity and acceptability of the people. The current research is a descriptive-analytical type of research, the data of which is collected through a survey and using a questionnaire. In order to achieve "the effect of intra-organizational factors on the popularity and social acceptability" using theoretical foundations and seeking opinions from experts related to the research, a pre-test sample questionnaire with 44 indicators was distributed among a number of professors and experts. Then, based on the validity and reliability obtained from the first questionnaire; The second questionnaire was prepared and adjusted with 29 indicators and distributed among the statistical population of 60 people, and 58 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The validity of the research was checked and confirmed using the content validity index. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained using Cronbach's alpha test in the range of 0.922. According to the results of the research, the most important intra-organizational factors affecting popularity and social acceptability are respectively: organizational, individual and managerial factors and also the most important indicators affecting it are respectively: quality and appropriateness of training methods, reliance on knowledge and comprehensive security systems and Creativity and skill of the forces.


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    - سایت‌ها:

    - امام خامنه‌ای (مدظله‌العالی)، مجموعه بیانات، قابل‌دسترسی در:

    - خادم‌زاده، وحید، (1395)، محبوبیت چیست؟ محبوب کیست؟                  -  http://www.

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