The military doctrine is a modern-day agent in asymmetric wars

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Instructor of Political Science Islamic Azad University


Military doctrine play a crucial role at various levels (strategic, operational, and tactical) to describe and explain military approach of states such as how to mobilize and support involved forces, describe and illustrate the campaign, explain the best approaches to drive forces. Military doctrine with an agent centrality and approach is considered as the main core of forming practices of military operations on asymmetric warfare.
In this research, tried to have an antological approaching to agent-centered military doctrines phenomen and the functions of idealogy and social cultural context in it, on asymmetric warfare.
In this case two main questions are defined to initiate the research:
a-       What is the function of ideology factor in agen centered warfare?
b- What is the function of social cultural context factor in agent centered warfare?
According to phenomenology science and using mix method (qualitively & quantitively) employed professional’s opinion in final agreement.
Finally researcher introduce agent centered military doctrine as a phenomen, its main factors and transition journey strategies from ordinary paradigms, context, intrupter factors, to achieve desire outcome or to neutralizing it.


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