Review the requirements of the Horizon Scanning Based of superme leader statements


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Higher University of Science, Defense

2 PhD in Passive Defense Strategic Management from Higher National Defense University


Horizon Scanning always trying to identify emerging issue changes and key trends that can challenge past assumptions and provide new perspectives on future threats and opportunities.
 The purpose of the research is to identify the requirements for Horizon Scanning based of the Supreme Command of the army force statements. The method used in this research is based on the thematic analysis approach. Themes presented based on high-level leadership statements well-deserved to see the description. Based on this template, 40 basic themes, 10 organizing themes and 6 global themes were used to explain the perspective. Therefore, information, strategic, managerial, belief, and social needs are necessary in addition to insight for Horizon Scanning.
 Information requirements imply recognition of the enemy in all directions and angles, strategic requirements for alertness, methodology, and having a rational look.
 Social requirements indicate that the situation is in the basin, the sense of responsibility of the authorities and people, the focus and attention and the requirements for believing in sincerity, respect, and communication with God for the use of God's help.
 The managerial requirements of readiness, the commitment of the authorities, having the plan and the purpose to deal with the enemy and timely action are essential for necessity, and ultimately introduces the insight into matters for success in introducing as a pillar.


فهرست منابع:
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بیانات حضرت امام خامنه‌ای (مدظله‌العالی)، قابل‌دسترسی در:         -