Analysis of Economic Sanctions in RAMCAP Systematic Method to Design Strategies of Confronting Resistive Economy

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Strategic Management, Higher National University

2 PhD student in Oil and Gas Economics, Moscow State University of Service


Analyzing structure of economic sanctions as one of the constant and permanent threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran national assets has great importance, précis identification and analysis of the characteristics of national assets as the target of sanctions, describing the characteristics and network identification of sanctions based on the current situation as a tool of enemies to exert pressure in order to change the behavior or change the regime structure, analyze the consequences of economic sanctions on the country's infrastructure and identify vulnerability of infrastructures against threats and ultimately risk assessment and management of economic sanctions in critical junctures facing the system, all are activities that regardless of temporary political agreements should be considered of country's policymakers in the design of strategies of resistive economy. Thus, this paper intends to benefit from a method of systematic threat named RAMCAP, identify economic assets and threats of assets. To by identifying the focus of economic threats and vulnerabilities of national assets against attacks achieved to effective strategies of resistive economy to deal with that threats.


فهرست نابع
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