The Architecture of Iranian Armed Forces from the Perspective of the Commander-in-chief (circumstances, solutions, and consequences)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 PhD in Defense Policy, Higher National Defense University

3 PhD in Strategic Military Management, Higher National Defense University

4 Student of Military Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University


The presence of powerful, dynamic, and resolute armed forces is a prerequisite for the independence, security, and sovereignty of every country. Therefore, changing the approach to mission accomplishment and the architecture of armed forces—in accordance with present and future circumstances—is inevitable in guaranteeing the security of a nation. With a deep and thorough approach, the dignified commander-in-chief has oftentimes forewarned the armed forces of this fact. With key words such as "structure", "organization", "architecture", "alteration," "rectification",  "innovation",  "evolution", " preparation",  etc., this article attempts to recognize and present some circumstances and solutions, using data-oriented research method.
Based on the findings of the present research, the most important factors in propelling the architecture are advancement and initiation. The armed forces’ unity and solidarity as well as enemy recognition and intuition preservation are respectively the most crucial basics and mediatory factors that calls attention in the process of architecture.
A variety of approaches have been suggested on behalf of the commander-in-chief in order to carry out the architecture of armed forces. Therefore, there is tremendous emphasis on faithful, courageous and up-to-date manpower. With such human resources, we can take quick steps towards growth and sublimation, and we can produce armed forces that befits the Iranian dignity


فهرست منابع
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