The Role of Strategic Thinking in Promoting Martial Power of Military Organizations With mphasis (Subtle forces of combat power)


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


Strategic thinking is not just an alternative to what's under strategic management umbrella، But rather a special method of thinking with certain characteristics and recognizable. )Mintzberg, 2009: 65) Strategic thinking is a combination of processes of insight and innovation The result is the integrated vision of the organization. The main objective of the research is to investigate the role of strategic thinking in promoting the combat capability of military organizations with an emphasis on the intangible factors of combat power (individual and organizational). Based on theoretical foundations, the conceptual model of the research is drawn up. The questions of the questionnaire were designed according to the factors and indicators of the conceptual model and after analyzing the sample population using the combination research method (pepticism and descriptive-analytical), it was analyzed. The statistical population is 110 people and the results of the research are applied. The results of this study indicate that there is a close relationship between strategic thinking and combat power. Conceptual thinking, system thinking, and futurism, which are elements of strategic thinking And vary in size on individual and organizational elements of combat power And as their strength increases, combat power is equally affected, Because strategic thinking focuses on the future direction with all its components and chooses the best option through different ways.


فهرست منابع
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