Explaining the Factors Affecting the Command and Control System of the Non-Operating Defense Organization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Non-Profit Defense Strategic Management Student, National Defense University (responsible author)


Nowadays pressure on people in order to break of sovereignty is the main scenario of enemy witch presents the people role importance than other sections. So people's affaires handling in crisis circumstances and minimizing the vulnerabilities and casualties (crisis management Facilitating) is one of passive defense important actions that this will be achievable by existence of a unified and mighty command and control system. The main function of Command and control is on-time reaction against crisis, Minimizing and mitigation of heavy financial losses and human casualties.Due to expansion and diversity of threats' zones and the passive defense commensurate measures, Threats that are actually caused accidents have led to crisis that the management of this crisis in order to reduce vulnerabilities and continuity of essential activities and promotion of national stability is very important. Identify factors affecting the passive defense command and control system is one of the important strategies developing steps that have not been explained so far.
Using  of library tools and questionnaires(Likert spectrum) and interviews with 15 experts and SPSS software, the aim of this paper is to determine the factors influencing the respect system based on the main constituent elements and to answer the main question that : witch are these factors. 4 sub-questions about related factors to main questions' elements were also made and in the research trend, these factors have been stated in two section of internal and external environment; based on respected main factors and totally 14 strengths, 17 weaknesses, 25 opportunities, 16 threats identified and extracted.


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