The Role and Position of Technology Development in the Military Dimension of National Power

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor Malek Ashtar Industrial Management

2 Ph.D. student of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

3 Ph.D. student of decision making and public policy, Allameh Tabataba'i University


The relation between acquisition and application of technology on the one hand and the state’s power on the other hand can not be denied. The experiences of the World War II and many other wars which broke out afterwards indicate the direct relation between scientific and technological national capabilities and the national power. In addition to the direct relation between technology and power, the bonds of scientific and technological findings and the national prestige converts scientific knowledge to power in public opinion. The aim of this paper is to explain the role and position of technology development in the promotion of military power as an important dimension of national power. The present research is of applied type done in a quantitative manner to measure the correlation between the variables of the research. In addition, the research literature is obtained from books, articles, reports and papers accessible in the archives of libraries and creditable internet sites. The statistical population is composed of 40 of the specialists and scholars of the military and defense sector and the experts in the technology field in addition to the military professors selected in a random sampling method. The variables in this research are “technology development” and “military dimension of national power” in which the former is the dependent variable and the latter is the independent variable. The results indicate that there is a positive and direct correlation between “technology development” and “military dimension of national power”.
