Globalization in Accordance to Cultural Theories of Islam and the West

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated from the Department of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 PhD Student of Strategic Defense Sciences Higher National University


Most ofmaterialistic and theological ideologies, according to their point of view and perception of humane goals, regard the end of history as a move towards unity of nations of the world; a globalization. Liberal-democracies release their main theories of globalization-like theories of Francis Fukuyama and Samuel Huntington- celebrating Humanism and prioritizing material needs of human. In contrast, Islamic point of view emphasizes on a divine Savior and establishment of global rein of Imam Mahdi, according to its roots in Quran and Hadith. This paper aims to assess the success of both Islamic and Western points of view and duties of I.R Iran aiming realization of Islamic point of view, regarding cultural state of contemporary world. This is an applied research and is done using descriptive-case study methods. The data are analyzed by qualitative methods. Statistical population of this researchconsists of 280 experts and a sample of 30 is selected among them applying Cochran formula. A survey research is done using questionnaires.


فهرست منابع
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-      نهج­البلاغه.
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