Islamic Awakening Scenarios in Turkey

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Professor of Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University


Turkey is one of the most important Islamic countries in the West Asian region Which, despite over 100 years of Intolerance by the secular regime governing that country Islamic awakening has taken place in that country And Islamism and return to Islamic values, has become  the most important demand of the Turkish people. Now it have been more than 15 years that Islamists have been taken control of the country continuously. However, there are many different perspectives surrounding the future of Islamic awakening in the country.
This research has been done to examine the future of Islamic awakening scenarios  in Turkey. The type of this research was an applied development and mixed (quantitative and qualitative) and in the case of a case with futuristic research approach. In futures research, The researcher uses the technique of scripting and scripting Has predicted possible, probable and prospective future.
The research results show that in the next 10 years, There are five scenarios facing the Islamic awakening in Turkey: Deployed Erdoghani Islamism, Brittle Erdoghani Islamism, Isolated Islamism, Islamic awakening under the shadow and finally The Rise Of Islamic Awakening.
There are also two scenarios which are counted as Surprised scenarios: Weak Islamic awakening and Fragile Islamic awakening.


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