An Approach to Present the Strategic Model of Administrating the Army Islamic Republic of Iran based on the Discourse of the Imam and the Leadership, the Constitution, the Experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Use of Successful Human Experiences

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D., Strategic Defense Sciences, عالیUniversity of National Defense

2 Professor, Strategic Defense Sciences, ‌ Higher National Defense University


 The views that the Islamic Republic of Iran has on the basis of Islamic teachings regarding military strategic affairs have  significant differences with the military thinking  prevails in the contemporary world. In practice, this system has gained exclusive experiences that can formulate a model for managing the affairs of each executive body by counting and classifying them in different levels of management; moreover, it provides a basis for study and study of thinkers.
This research seeks to create a model for theoretical consensus in the field of management among experts, stakeholders and strategic decision makers in which the dimensions, components, indicators and relationships between them in the decision-making process are formulated. It is a model to draw the relations between them in the best possible way by the logical arrangement of the main strategic factors and components.
This research is an applied study. Mixed method of quantitative and qualitative data have been used in the present study. In addition, content analysis, discourse analysis, interpretive analysis, documentation and basic theorizing methods have been used in the current research. The statistical population of the present study is about 150 strategic commanders and managers who have been appointed to strategic positions during the last 40 years. According to the findings of this study, commanders and managers of the army not only have the lofty goals of the system, which relies on the spirituality in accordance with religious teachings, but also they are responsible for maintaining independence and political system along with territorial integrity and expanding Islam along with self-reliance and strengthening defense. Insight, faith and spirituality and reliance on the people are the basis of AJA doctrine and management policies. Spiritual leadership and jihadi management are among their important components; furthermore, intimacy, presence on the scene, effort and sacrifice of the most important indicators of these components that are practically used in AJA. These findings have led to the presentation of a comprehensive model for the management of affairs in the Army of Iran


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