Planning of the strategic management model of aviation system in the space of Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Graduated Ph.D. Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University


Aviation in IRAN and world has actors that need coordination .Coordination for using space, between units of army and Civil are necessary.
With refer to record and accidents , delay , many letter writing in national level and challenge meeting in proficiency level and high management find that required coordinations in lowest level, objective, executive and some more tactical, rated difficult process.
In eveny country there are tow main organ in aviation department : 1- Military department. 2- Civil department.
civil aviation filed including private, commercial govermental airlins parts, that is mostly employed the passenger and freight transportation in national and international manner .military aviation filed including: sovereignty air lines that is employed transportation , training , security and defense. both of the filds are necessary for global esistance and economice.
with the view to pending causes ,the basic question of this study is the lack of strategic management model of aviation system in the I.R.I and the problems caused by this ,which led the researcher to suggest the model of stertegic management of aviation in the space of I.R.I and act the field and library multi layer investigation .this is a strategic research ,and in terms of methodology data ,it is the discriptiveof the type of contex ,that performe by the means of interview , survey ,aviation men ,air traffic control men ,and military forces of I.R.I.
