The role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Areas of regional and global power with regard to the geopolitical territory of the Persian Gulf


1 Doctoral student of Strategic Defense Sciences of National Defense University

2 PhD in Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University


   Identifying the surrounding geopolitical territories of a country and using its capacities can lead to a greater role in the geometry of regional and global power. Usually, the role-playing of a power happens in the territorial sphere of influence of the surrounding territories of its geographical unit, which is subject to geopolitical goals and these goals are subject to geopolitical profits or interests. For this purpose, the first step is to identify the geopolitical factors around that territory, which the growth and progress in the region and the world depend on those factors; Therefore, in this article, the factors that will cause the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fields of regional and global power with regard to the geopolitical territory of the Persian Gulf have been investigated and identified. The main goal of the present study  is to determine the components and indicators that affect the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fields of regional and global power with regard to the geopolitical territory of the Persian Gulf, which corresponds to the purpose of the research question. This research is applied-developmental and uses descriptive conceptual research methods. The statistical population of the research is 56 people according to the characteristics of the research. Data analysis is based on structural equations, and the results of the research indicate that the geopolitical territory of the Persian Gulf with 10 indicators has led to the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fields of regional and global power and the strengthening of the country's geopolitical position and dignity, which will lead to the strengthening of the defense-security power. 


فهرست منابع
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