Understanding the strategic components of security in the Islamic world by approaching the geopolitical position of the Islamic world

Document Type : Original Article


1 Head of Strategic Research Center for Lighting Thinkers

2 Member of the Supreme National Security Council

3 Ph.D. student of military strategic management of the National Defense University


Islam has a more
comprehensive view of security, security involves an all-out plan that tries to
protect the state, the nation, ideology, and individual people of the
community  The purpose of this study is
to explain the strategic components of security in the Islamic world with a
geopolitical approach This research has been applied in a
descriptive-analytical manner For data collection, library methods (documents)
and researcher-made questionnaire have been used  The statistical population of this research
is all 30 experts in the field of research, experts and experts in the fields
related to the research topic due to the availability and probability of
cooperation of the experts and attention to theoretical saturation. Based on
the results of the research and the literature review, it can be noted that the
most important strategic security components in the Islamic world with a
geopolitical approach that are very important are 1. Quantitative and
qualitative capacities of the population of the world of Islam 2. The internal
and international political factors of the Islamic world 3. The military
factors of the Islamic world 4. The economic factors of the world of Islam 5.
The power of the Islamic world 6. Solidarity of Islamic countries 7. Science
and technology In the Islamic world. 8. The geographic location of the Islamic
world. 9. Natural resources and energy of the Islamic world
