The Impact of Defensive Intellectual Capital on the Strengthening the internal structure of Government the Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of Supreme Leader’s statements (God Extends His Life)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in public administration, University of Tehran and faculty of Shahid Sattari Air University

2 Assistant Professor of Army University of the Islamic Republic of Iran

3 Associate Professor of Public Administration, Tehran University

4 Associate Professor of Strategic Sciences Management, Army Officer University of the Islamic Republic of Iran


One of the main principles and frameworks of any political system is attention and effort to consolidate the foundations of power and internal strength that the effective management of intellectual capital, as well as continuous emphasis on its key factors in each country is its continuity basis. Accordingly, the present article aims to investigate the effect of defense intellectual capital on the strength of the internal structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of the Supreme Leader's (Supreme Leader) statements. This research is an applied research in terms of purpose and, in terms of data collection, is a survey method. A questionnaire was used to measure variables. The research sample included 173 academic faculty members from AJA universities. They were chosen by using simple random sampling method and using Cochran formula. To verify the correlation between components and the effect of variables on each other, correlation test, Pearson statistical and structural equation model were used. Among the results of this study, the impact of intellectual capital as one of the pillars of internal power on the strength of the internal structure of the system can be mentioned. Also, from the dimensions of defensive intellectual capital, human capital has had the greatest impact on increasing the Strength of the internal structure of the system. By increasing the capacity to utilize intellectual capital and reducing the barriers to its quality, it can be strengthened by the internal structure of the system, which, based on the results of the research, suggestions and solutions are presented.


فهرست منابع
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