Seven Skies of Defensive A Domestic Model of Aerospace Defense layers with a Mixed Approach (Operational and Industrial)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Ph.D. student of Strategic Management at the National Defense University


The idea of “Seven Skies of Defensive” has been proposed based on a holism and array viewpoint to the air defense network, in order to clarify operational aspects of threats and architect the aerospace laminar defense network, and also to harmonize the Aerospace defense industry development roadmap for the country. The extent of aerospace threats from the variety and plurality perspective on one hand, and the progress of their operational abilities on the other, necessitate redesigning the aerospace defense layers pattern proportional to the military doctrine and domestic requirements of our homeland. For this purpose, through gathering and analyzing probable aerospace threats, their operational properties were studied at three sequential milestones till the 1404 perspective.  Conflict and kill zone for confronting these threats based on their operating fields, and also the optimum operating range for confronting systems were categorized. By integrating conflict zones according to their common aspects, seven distinguishable optimum were identified.  These seven zones are in fact the seven defensive layers which according to our religious and cultural beliefs are called “Seven defensive sky”. The present study is a developmental case oriented study which has been performed under interpretivism and positivism approach. The consequences of dividing the defensive area with the seven sky idea include: more clarity, using one index (sky) instead of two (range and height), correspondence and fitness of related strategic literature to defensive zones’ operational properties, helping integration and networking in air defense and finally more clarity in product and technology roadmap making in aerospace defense domain.
