Designing a non-urban civil defense strategy for protecting people from social threats (Case Study of Tehran).

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate of Passive Defense Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Amin University of Medical Sciences


Safeguarding human capital in urban management preserves the material or spiritual assets of mankind, and the resistance and endurance of the people against the threats will enhance the ability to stand, durability and solidarity against the perils, and the independence of each society in the belief in capabilities and the ability to recognize, and ultimately Relying on and self-reliance, and the main concern of this research is the lack of a native scientific codecision.
The main research question is: "What is the strategic model of urban inertial defense to protect people from social threats (studied in Tehran)?
The type of this research is applied- developmental. The method of this research is a mixed approach consisting of two qualitative approaches based on the Delphi method, as well as documentary and library studies, and a quantitative approach with a focus on descriptive survey method. The statistical community consisted of scholars, experts and faculty members from both the country and the military. The population of the population is 59 people.
The final pattern of the research was based on the dimension of "social defense" in Tehran with 3 components and 9 indicators.


فهرست منابع
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