The Pattern for Performance Evaluation from the Viewpoint of His Eminence the Supreme Leader

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of strategic management of the National Defense University

2 Doctor of Military Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University


Healthy, skillful and experienced human force is the most valuable asset of any organization. The success of organization has a direct relation with the number of efficient and well-motivated employees and managers. One of the most important tools for quality and quantity assurance of human capital is the performance evaluation of managers and employees.
Presently, due to the environmental challenges and technological diversities, organizations need performance evaluation more than ever in order to be able to compete in a competitive environment and prevent strategic surprise.
The main aim of this study is to achieve the pattern for the performance evaluation of the human force from the view point of the Supreme Leader Iman Khamenei. The research is an applied type and has made use of grounded theory. The quotes of His Eminence have been collected from library sources in the period of 1987 to 2015. Then they were analyzed through discourse and content analysis methods using the MAXQDA software.
In responding to the research questions the researchers extracted the statements related to the subject of the research, classified them and presented them in categories including evaluation principles, evaluation process, evaluation references, evaluation results and evaluation implications through the viewpoints of the Supreme Leader.


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