Turkmenistan's geopolitical factors affecting entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop a defense strategy Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. in Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University (Corresponding Author)


Turkmenistan as an effective player in the geopolitical developments in the region with geopolitical capacities trys to efforts in developments in the region. Since geopolitical factors in the formulation of defense strategies is the basis for the adoption of appropriate policies so that the main purpose of this study is to identify geopolitical factors vigilance creates opportunities the development of defense strategy Islamic Republic of Iran The aim of this study is related to the main question, the most important geopolitical factors contributing to the formulation of defense strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkmenistan vigilance creates opportunities What are? Using descriptive, analytical application form, questionnaire set in two stages and the sample of 92 subjects (as a whole number) providing and using SPSS software processed data is sent. The most important geopolitical factors affecting to the Islamic Republic of Iran's defense strategy priorities are gas transit, neighborhood eshghaBad the border with Iran, Turkmenistan to Iran in transit dependence on energy and commodities, the volume of economic exchanges between the two countries, religious commonalities between the two countries, Iran's membership in eco and cultural interests of the Turkmen people to culture.


فهرست منابع
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 ب- منابع انگلیسی
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