The impact of Military factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Graduated Ph.D., Strategic Military Management, National Defense University


The geopolitics of the Caspian Sea region after the collapse of the Soviet Union and replace the four newly independent country instead in this area, Have been changes. In this study, as »Caspian Sea geopolitical impact of military factors on the defense strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran« is tried these developments, Geopolitics through the lens of military factors on the defense strategy is considered. Therefore, this study Application form After conducting theoretical studies and Ecology geopolitics of the Caspian Sea region have tried, Military factors related to geopolitics And effective defense strategy Islamic Republic of Iran exploration Then to confirm this and to determine role of factors (In the context of project opportunities, threatening, strengths and weaknesses) Two questionnaires were designed and set. The first questionnaire to confirm the geopolitical factors affecting military the population of 12 people and The second questionnaire to determine the role of the population of 49 people Were distributed. Finally, at the conclusion In response to the survey questions, The most important opportunities and threatening also The important factors of military strengths and weaknesses that The Islamic Republic of Iran are effective on defensive strategy’ were determined in 24 Geopolitical factors.
