Doubt of the NAJA model of strategic management of passive defense in terms of implementation and execution against threats against the public security of the country

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Passive Defense Strategic Management at Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor, Mathematics, Higher National Defense University


The strategic management model usually includes the dimensions of planning, implementation, execution, guidance and supervision, and so on. The purpose of this study is to achieve the strategic management model of NAJA passive defense in terms of implementation and execution against threats against public security and to identify the components of implementation and implementation of NAJA passive defense against threats to public security. In this article, the quasi-model means the strategic management model in two dimensions of implementation and execution. The main issue of this research is the lack of a codified model of strategic management of NAJA passive defense in the face of threats against the public security of the country, what and how the dimensions of implementation and enforcement that make the public security of the country safe by the NAJA. - The development and approach of this research is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative and a descriptive survey has been conducted. In order to collect information and prepare a questionnaire through purposive sampling method, 16 people were selected as research experts by snowball method and to accurately measure the components of these factors through a questionnaire with one-way t-test, the weight of each component was obtained in a sample of 120 Numerous people were designed and surveyed. Findings: The strategic management model of NAJA passive defense in two dimensions, implementation and enforcement to protect the public security environment in the face of threats in the political, economic, cultural, socio-social, security and technological dimensions.


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