Influential components of the non-physical threats of terrorism to public safety at the national level


Graduate of Passive Defense Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University


The sense of public safety, which is the prelude to the life of every political and social system, is a long-standing need of mankind. The issue of public safety, which is one of the main attributes of the country's development and improvement, is heavily influenced by terrorist threats. Among the terrorist threats that have a major impact on public safety are non-physical threats to terrorism, the purpose of this study is to determine the components that affect the non-physical threats of terrorism and is designed to answer the research question in accordance with this objective. This research is of a type, applied-developmental and methodological, descriptive-analytic using correlation method. The findings of the research show that the most effective factors (factors) of the non-physical threats of terrorism to public safety at the national level are fearsome psychological actions, the possibility of infiltration and disruption of vital centers through cyberspace, active presence in the media and networks Social in order to invite them to follow their thoughts, to create a divergence between sovereignty and people, distancing between mental security and objective security, preventing the international community from being safe, and exploiting the intelligence services of them. Meanwhile, the results of the research indicate that the greatest influence among these factors on the general security of mental acts is appalling.


فهرست منابع
الف- منابع فارسی
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