Analysis of Common Interests and Geopolitical Challenges Affecting the Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the South Persian Gulf Countries

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University

2 انواع ترجمه translateنوشتار insert_drive_fileسندها ترجمه نوشتار شناسایی زبانفارسیانگلیسیفرانسوی swap_horiz انگلیسیفارسیفرانسوی

3 Assistant Professor, Political Geography, Farabi University

4 air edfence force


The Persian Gulf, as the richest and most important region in the world in terms of having huge hydrocarbon reserves as well as economic and financial importance, and as a vast and prosperous market, has a privileged position and position in the world. Relations between Iran and the southern neighbors of the Persian Gulf are of particular importance in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which for many years has been influenced by ideology, ethnicity, regional rivalries, global polarization, economic and so on. The existence of geopolitical interests and concerns has led to the emergence of common values and convergence and the establishment of good relations, and in contrast, geopolitical challenges have led to divergence and stressful relations in the regional system. The purpose of this study is to investigate the common interests and geopolitical challenges affecting the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the countries south of the Persian Gulf. This research is of an applied type that using descriptive-analytical method tries to provide the research answer that "What are the common interests and geopolitical challenges affecting the relations between the countries of the southern Persian Gulf and the Islamic Republic of Iran?" To pay. The method of data collection and information required is libraries and documents, and for data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics analysis methods and SPSS software have been used. In the end, using Friedman test, 15 factors as interests and 21 factors as the most important geopolitical challenges affecting the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the countries south of the Persian Gulf were counted.


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