Role of Information and communication technology(ICT) in knowledge base defense


1 Associate Professor at Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Assistant Professor of National Defense University

3 Ph.D. student of strategic management of nonprofit defense of the National Defense University


Information and communication technology (ICT) is the core of the concepts of modern wars. ICT can bring about fundamental changes in the wars, and the armed forces can rely on it in future wars to gain Information superiority and new capabilities in a wide range of ICTs, including multi-dimensional operations capabilities.The purpose of this research is to explain the role of ICT in knowledge base defense. The present study is a applied-developmental and case study research method. Meanwhile, the method of information gathering, library and data analysis is mixed (qualitative and quantitative) through the use of the spss and pls softwares. According to the findings of the research, the ICT is the important dimension of knowledge base defense and, in fact, it is the backbone of knowledge base defense, so that the rapid growth of technology and the combination of new technologies in the military areas improved various missions and, in fact, created knowledge base defense against military threats. On the other hand, the knowledge base defense in its essence requires awareness of the state of the battle, the enemy's intentions, the plans of the insider and the environment. In today's complex and chaotic and dynamic battle-spaces, this awareness should be exchanged by telecommunication networks and by Computer processing transformed to knowledge and helps commanders make quick and timely decisions through software and decision support systems.In order to deploy and effectively use information and communication technology in the field of knowledge-based defense, first the achived of the knowledge required in this field and placing on the edge of ICT technology have priority to defense programs and in the second stage, toward Establishing native infrastructures in defense agencies; In the third step, care and security of related sensitive systems should be pursued so that, by relying on secure and sustainable systems, they can ultimately play an effective and effective role in knowledge-based defense. According to the research findings, the acquisition of the native ICT infrastructure in both software and hardware is the key to the success of the use of ICT in the knowledge-based defense. Asia.


فهرست منابع
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-  امام خامنه‌ای(مدظله‌العالی)، بیانات معظم له در تاریخ‌ 29/08/1368، قابل‌دسترس در