The characteristics of Strategic Desiging system in IRI Armed Forces

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Higher University

2 Associate Professor of Imam Hussein University of Medical Sciences

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Army Command and Staff

4 PhD student of Strategic Defense Sciences


It is referred to the existential principle of design and planning in definition and strategic management tasks in organizations and it is assumed that realization of the predicted objectives is not possible regardless of those factors. For this purpose, the main elements of strategy including formulation, execution and implementation, and controlling of strategy are assumed as the major and essential issues in management of Armed Forces and they are considered as synonymous to strategic design (or strategic planning).
On the other hand, according to many managerial textbooks in which the planning, organizing, and mobilization of sources and facilities, and their guiding and control (Rezaeian; 1993:183) have been assumed as the main task for directors, the most perfect method and technique of doing tasks by directors and their achievement is to interpret strategic design and planning systems with respect to speed of change in organizational environment and as a requisite for smart prediction of future and in this trend those organizations, which possessed regular strategic plans, are more successful than the organizations were deprived from this advantage.
Accordingly, the presence of appropriate strategic defense design and planning at higher levels, particularly in IRI Armed Forces, is deemed as one of the effective factors in achievement of national security based on which the goals of national security and efficient strategies as well as exploitable sources are determined. Uncertainty in status quo and necessity for accelerated measure and flexibility in treatment with the changing environment and several existing threats along with various vulnerabilities have required undeniable necessity for execution of defense planning in IRI Armed Forces.
Hence, due to several reasons including the presence of isle-like and sectional approaches toward this process and because of segregation of the relevant structures and the responsible organizations for design and planning in some headquarters of the Army, weakness in the required insight and awareness and training of the given officials and designing and planning body of that system, the suggested challenges regarding achievement and perfect realization of the formulated objectives and plans, weak belief in planning process among the related authorities and inversely paying due attention to accurate planning and other similar cases in this sense, the researcher tended to assay and analyze and examine the aforementioned issues with description and dealing with this important subject and through presentation of the formulated and local characteristics, which are reliable for experts in the field of strategic planning system in Armed Forces and within the framework of a scientific research and to posit appropriate an optimal parameters in this regard.
Thus, the present investigation is intended to propose appropriate characteristics of strategic planning system in Armed Forces of Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) and it is of applied and developmental type of research, which has been carried out by employing case study- contextual method and through collection of needed data from the standardized questionnaires with analyzing the given information by means of statistical descriptive and inferential techniques and it has proposed the appropriate traits of strategic planning in this regard after conducting the required calculations.    


فهرست منابع: 
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