The Impact of Geopolitical Factors (Political, Economic, Cultural and Military) of Makran Shores on the Oman Sea Basin on Formation of Iran's Defense Strategy


Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences and Imam Hossein University


The Oman Sea Basin and its surrounding states, including Iran, Pakistan, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, which are part of the Indian Ocean geostrategic domain, are a relatively unknown and neglected environment in various aspects including political, economic, cultural, geopolitical factors It is related to defense issues that the necessity of adopting a defensive strategy in the Oman Sea for the benefit of the nation is inevitable.   On the other hand, the formulation of a favorable defense strategy requires a detailed understanding of the geopolitical factors of this area, especially in the context of the geopolitical factors concerned and their impact on the country's defense strategy and relations with other players in the field. Therefore, in the present study, it has been attempted to use geopolitical, economic, cultural and military factors influencing the formulation of a descriptive analytical and applied method after conducting theoretical and environmental studies on the southeastern coast of Iran and the coasts of the Oman Sea countries. The defense strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran was identified and after consulting with some experts related to the subject and obtaining their opinion, a questionnaire with 19 closed questions and one open
ended question was designed and designed, then a research questionnaire among experts and community experts. The sample size of 34 individuals was estimated to be integer d.  In conclusion and in response to the research question, the most influential political, economic, cultural and military geopolitical factors of the south east coast of the country in the Oman Sea that influence the formulation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's defense strategy, in terms of their average priority and weight The effective political, economic, cultural and military geopolitical factors have been identified.


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