Operation Principle Doctorine Nezaja And Nezsa for Unbalance Compaign

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Political Geography at the National Defense University

2 Graduated Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences at the National Defense University

3 Ph.D. student of political science, Azad University, Tehran North Branch


Armed foces responsible that is stand for wars orginal supplier, defence duty of re sources, benefits and life values country. These forces are efficient defence and operative, adoption necessiting and perform optimal strategy that is formulate fundamental prineiple, title of operation doctorine.
In according to U.S.A is serious threat unbalanced for the Islamic Republic of Iran. This article is earning to ground forces the Islamic republic of iran operation principle doctorine for unbalance compaign. Accordingly, with taking advantage of ad hoc-contextual research method and choice sample volume from statistical society the number of 43 people, by meauns of. Deseriptive, presumptive, news meeting statistical methods and gather data analysis pay their. Research results are showing, the number of 28 principle connected with research topic
