the role of experience in managerial knowledge making in the Imam Ali's life style

Document Type : Original Article


Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


The present study by the subject of the role of experience in managerial knowledge making in the Imam Ali's life style with the purpose of expressing the views and managerial method of Imam Ali insight for managers has been done.
This research method is analytical, descriptive and by using library method to collect and gather information it is done. Thesample population are all hadiths and maxims that Imam Ali told while his government regarding experience the results show that according to Imam Ali that events and occurrences in the past are a clear interpretation of some Quranic concepts like: Taking example, stories, Islamic tradition and the term of (Taking example), being the frequent style of Quran’s historical credits and references, has been repeated in NahjolAlbalaghe lots of time and this emphasis has been emphasized in Muslims works in a manner that later history was called, experiences of nations.
According to Imam Ali’s words the philosophy of post events and taking experience of them causding success and victory. Since these events are the source of abundant insight and experiences for the future generations in which by studying them one can identify the causes of failures or success, respect the future with them and choose the best way of life.
In the Imam Ali’s government life style having experience is the essential condition in controlling some issues like responsibility assignment, consultation, decision making and etc. Emphasis on recording, transforming and documentary the experiences by the purpose of others use of that. In Imam Ali’s government life style is of high significance.


فهرست منابع:
- قرآن کریم (ترجمه و تفسیر علامه طباطبایی)
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ب – منابع انگلیسی
-   Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary - 5.0 out of 5 based on.