Analysis of the discourse of the province in the Department of Agriculture

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor of National Security, Higher National Defense University

3 Associate Professor of Plant Protection Medical Plant Research Institute

4 Assistant Professor of Management, Institute of Agricultural Planning and Economics Research

5 PhD in Strategic Management of Passive Defense, Higher National Defense University


The critical and essential role of agriculture in food and national security has led the country's strategic macro-policy makers to pay particular attention to the agricultural sector. The main purpose of this article is to explain the discipline of the province in the Department of Agriculture. This article has demonstrated the content and discourse technique of Imam Khomeini's (Rahmallah) and Imam Khamenei's (al-Awali's) speeches and works that show that the focal point in the discourse of the province is in the domain of agricultural affairs, "self-governing agriculture" Is. Provincial discourse also has competing challenges, challenges and discourses. The content analysis software of Kawa Atlas T and Max QDD and the software of Imam Khomeini's (Rahmullah Allah), Imam Khamenei's (Al-Qa'ali's) use and discourse analysis have been developed and presented using the Lakla-Mouffe method.  Provincial discourse also has competing challenges, challenges and discourses. The content analysis software of Kawa Atlas T and Max QDD and the software of Imam Khomeini's (Rahmullah Allah), Imam Khamenei's (Al-Qa'ali's) use and discourse analysis have been developed and presented using the Lakla-Mouffe method. A comparison of the works of the provincial governor in the post-revolutionary administration of agriculture has so far shown that, given the capacity of the time, both noble views on the position of the agricultural sector were considered equally from a security and managerial perspective. During Imam Khomeini's (R) era, and his sharp denunciation of land reform, their view of the agricultural sector is a positive one, just as Imam Khamenei (al-Awaliyah), in the aftermath of the imposed war, has been instrumental in securing the country's food security. They strongly recommend self-sufficiency in agricultural production with a positive view of the country's independence.


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